The Freedom to be…….
There is no better way
to celebrate Woman’s Day than letting us speak our mind and voice our feelings
with strength and conviction. A woman by far, is the finest creation of God. She
is an epitome of love and compassion. They are gifted with some real super
powers as they never fail to impress in every role they play. Be it a homemaker
or a career woman or the one balancing both home and work, women are
multi-taskers. Not to boast about, have you ever seen a man preparing his presentations
while keeping a tab on the pressure cooker whistles? A woman has powers that are hard to fathom. She
can lift you up in a second and also bring you down in an instant. She might
make you the happiest person in the world while she can also put you through
real hell. A woman can love with all her heart and soul unless you press the
bitch button.
Yes, I am proud to be
born a woman. I sometimes amaze myself with my own strengths. At times, I carry
heavy burdens and still spread happiness. I am capable of smiling when deep
inside I feel like screaming. I am unpredictable. At times I cry when am happy
and laugh when I have to hide my sadness. I am capable of giving unconditional
love but also capable of pulling out my guns when required. At times am
intriguing and a mystery to some around me. I can also be moody or nasty. I am a loving daughter, caring sister, devoted
wife and compassionate mother. I embrace my struggles and scars gracefully and
not afraid to fix the things which do not work. I am proud to be UNAPOLOGETICALLY
My dear girls, be yourself.
Be proud of your achievements and flaunt your feminism with style and
elan. Stop being a scapegoat. Voice out your opinions and learn to say a no. Feminist
Movements across the world might have won us gender equality as a right but sadly
we still face gender discrimination in our day to day lives. This
discrimination differs in its ways and kind. For me , gender discrimination means not
letting a woman lead a life which she desires for. Gender Equality is the
freedom to be myself without being judged and criticized for my choices.
When I say that I am a feminist, it does not mean that I hate
males and am unable to relate to them. Being a feminist does not mean that I am
superior neither does it give me the right to demean a man. I still like to be
treated as a lady and the feminist in me doesn’t get hurt while taking help
from males. Feminism is all about equality and human rights, being given the
choice to be. Ideally, no human being
should need society’s approval on his/her way of life. Feminism is not female
dominance, it is breaking away of patriarchal convictions that limit a woman.
For me feminism is mutuality, a respect towards each other’s
preferences and ways of life.
“Women should not drink and party”
“If you get raped, it will be your fault”
“One more promotion, I hope your boss is not getting lucky”
We hear one or other such hurting phrases in our day to day
lives. But take it as society’s accepted
behavior towards us. We see women being insulted but never choose to raise our
voice. It is not enough to simply talk about gender equality. One has to
believe in it and work for it. We talk about gender equality, women empowerment
and feminism in public platforms, but in reality we believe in different sets
of acceptable behavior for different women at different times. We teach
empowerment to our daughters but fail to teach our sons how to live with an
empowered woman.
One of the greatest problems lies in the fact that women themselves
are governed by malice towards each other. My dear girls, if you are
a female, it is stupid to be not on your side. Dare to stand up for
yourself and your fellow women. Don’t judge, don’t criticize, don’t belittle
each other. Let us be each other’s biggest strength. All it takes is a moment
of courage and strength to stand up against the wrong.
It is time we start seeing gender as a spectrum instead of two
sets of opposing ideals. It is time, we start accepting and respecting each
other for what we are. It is time to break the walls around us and defy all
stereotypes. It is time to stand up for ourselves and respect our own
individualities. Before the world respects you, it is important that you
respect yourself. Speak up for what you believe in. Tell the world about your
aspirations and how you want your life to shape. Stop compromising and learn to
say a no without feeling a need to explain yourself.
Someone once asked me, “What does a woman want?”
My answer was instant and simple. All that a woman wants is to
be the master of her own life. Is it too much to ask for?
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